Saturday, December 14, 2019


Niko - LetsEncrypt won't renew domains that you haven't set up with LetsEncrypt in the first place. Maybe somebody has an answer for me, when the scheduled task job makes the renew earliest? I don't know if it matters to delete and recreate the site in IIS - I did not already tried. Of course, quite often I find out there is a difference between what's advertised and the reality. Is it something to be really concerned about? It seems the installed cert was interfering with the dev cert provided with IIS Express. Is that a limitation doing that under windows? netometer video

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I wish I had time to help out with Certify - it seems such a shame that the project is largely abandoned by the developer for the same time constraints.

Netometer APK

Note you might have to tweak the task User Identity settings as described here to ensure that the user is logged on properly when running the scheduled task.

Basically you pick a site from the list of active Web sites using host headers on your server and the utility goes out and creates a certificate for you, creates an https binding and attaches the certificate. You can create a certificate through a Web site and then perhaps use the generated cert for other purposes assuming it's the same type of certificate that is compatible.

Would you use it just because the service is free, or because of the automation opportunities? Would be great to get a workaround from you!

Let's Encrypt certificate on Exchange server

Here's what the interaction looks like on my home machine which only has one host-headered site I added for testing:. I think under normal scenarios this isn't a problem - old certificates should just scroll off. Make sure you can see the sites in the IIS Manager.

I am now using Viideo for a company home page.

One tiny big problem though. The cost for certs really aren't that bad. I think for the nwtometer registration it has to be http, but for renewal https requests seem to work for me. The video instructions are available here:.

netometer video

Is this content useful to you? On the stage server I bind the certificate to the site.

NetoMeter Screencasts Blog - NetoMeter Blog

This means you need to manage renewals much more frequently than your typical 1 year certificate. I did go into IIS and moved the static file above the extensionlessurlhandler, so nehometer is correct. Is there a simpler approach I should be looking at? This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

Scalix Forums

Your blog now bookmarked! Niko March 21, Been looking for the best way to do this with IIS going forward. I had to tinker with it a bit, but eventually got it working.

Spongman April 08, Was anybody able to make this work? Nnetometer validated you can use Auto Apply to pick a Web Site and port to bind the certificate to. So I've got a nice new Lenovo ThinkPad laptop for work. According to Lets Encrypt wildcard certs are coming next year.

Niko - I'm not sure exactly when LetsEncrypt starts netlmeter renewals, but I believe it's at 60 days. Renewals don't appear to install the proper certificates into the Windows Cert store.

netometer video

So when Let's Encrypt initially went to beta there was no Windows support. So today Let's Encrypt is not a solution for all SSL needs, but it definitely serves the low end sector well. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact tnmff microsoft.

I ask because on my Synology NAS this seems to be possible without netmoeter problem and works automatically as it should

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